The Grocery Store Wine Showdown!

Welcome to The Grocery Store Wine Showdown!

Have you ever wondered if you could find a drinkable wine at the grocery store? Grocery store wines have a reputation for being cheap and not that good, but we wanted to see if we could find one that was actually good. We put three mass-produced grocery store wines to the test to see if we could find a hidden gem.

If you have a favorite grocery store wine, let us know! We’re always looking for new recommendations.

Wine Facts

Colin’s Pick
: Ruffino
Name: Lumina
Grapes: Pinot Grigio
Year: 2022
ABV: 12%


Flavors and Smells

Pear, Lemon, Lime, Grapefruit

Where are We Putting It?

Aaron: Closet
Colin: Closet
Joel: Closet

Was It A Waste?

Unanimous No

Wine Facts

Aaron’s Pick
Producer: La Vieille Ferme
Grapes: Cinsault
Year: 2022
ABV: 13%


Flavors and Smells

Sour Raspberry, Spritz of Lemon

Where We Putting It?

Aaron: Closet
Colin: Drain
Joel: Drain

Was It A Waste?

Yes, Even at $8.00

Wine Facts

Joel’s Pick
Producer: Bogle Family Vineyards
Grapes: Zinfandel
Year: 2021
ABV: 14.5%


Flavors and Smells

Oak and Cherry but Mostly Oak

Where We Putting It?

Aaron: Drain
Colin: Drain
Joel: Drain

Was It A Waste?


Do We Have A Winner?!?

Colin Wins!…But Not by Much

Wine: 2022, Ruffino Pinot Grigio

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