Three Rosés for Valentine’s Day!

It’s a Valentine’s Day Extravaganza!

Join us as we review a trio of rosé s with three incredibly special guests!  This week, Aaron, Colin, and Joel are joined by their wonderful wives!  These three lovely ladies have put together a blind tasting of rosé wines between $10 and $30, and it’s up to the crew to rate and review each of them.

Wine Facts

Producer: Avaline
Name: Rosé
Grapes: Cinsault, Caladoc, Syrah, Cabernet Sauvignon, Grenache
Year: 2022
ABV: 13%


Flavors and Smells

Strawberry, Peach, and Lemon

Where are We Putting It?

Aaron and Erin: Kitchen Table
Colin and Chrissi: Kitchen Table
Joel and Kathi: Kitchen Table

Was It A Waste?

Unanimous No

Wine Facts

Producer: Famille Bougrier
Grapes: Gamay, Grolleau
Year: 2022
ABV: 11%


Flavors and Smells

Strawberry, Raspberry, Peach, Grapefruit

Where We Putting It?

Aaron and Erin: Drain
Colin and Chrissi: Drain
Joel and Kathi: Closet / Drain

Was It A Waste?


Wine Facts

Producer: Domaine Salmon
Grapes: Pinot Noir
Year: 2022
ABV: 13%


Flavors and Smells

Strawberry, Raspberry, Lemon, Peach

Where We Putting It?

Aaron and Erin: Kitchen Table / Closet
Colin and Chrissi: Kitchen Table
Joel and Kathi: Kitchen Table

Was It A Waste?


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